Cienie is a supernatural mystery-thriller visual novel that takes place in the Polish town of Sypniewo. You follow Tomasz Tyszko, a recent law school dropout who is currently an intern at Markus Waldner’s private investigative firm. Tom attempts to solve the mystery of the disappearances while negotiating the difficulties of relationships and maturity when five people are reported missing in the town.
Although there aren’t many clearly defined paths in the largely linear plot, Tom’s relationships with other individuals can be impacted by the decisions you make during the game, and different results can result.
Controls for Keyboard:
- To activate the interface and move the dialogue along, press Enter.
- To move the conversation forward without making any selections, press Space.
- To move about the UI, use the Arrow keys.
- You may reach the game menu by pressing Escape.
- Holding down CTRL will allow you to bypass the conversation.
- Toggle conversation skipping by using Tab.
- To return to the previous conversation, use the Page up button.
- Click “Down” to access the dialogue at a later time.
- To hide the user interface, press H.
- To snap a screenshot, press S.
- Toggle assistive self-voicing with V.
- To enter the accessibility menu, use Shift+A.
Controls for Mouse:
- A left click advances the conversation and opens the interface.
- The user interface is hidden with a middle click.
- The game menu may be accessed with a right-click.
- To return to the previous conversation, click the rollback side button with the mouse wheel up.
- Downing the mouse wheel advances to a subsequent conversation.
- Dark
- Detective
- Furry
- Gay
- Horror
- Mystery
- Romance
- Singleplayer
More Information:
Hello Everyone! We are Team Cienie. We make furry visual novels.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
What is a Cienie?
Cienie is a mystery-thriller visual novel game for adults.
Will you add more characters?
The game is currently in development, offering the potential to introduce additional characters to enrich the experience. Stay updated for news and possible new character additions as progress continues.
How can I sign up as a Patron?
Signing up as a Patron is simple. You may visit Team Cienie’s Patreon page by clicking this link to become a patron:
Who created the game?
The game was created by Team Cienie.
When will there be another update?
Although the exact date of the next update is unknown, Team Cenie will notify gamers via its social media sites.
When was the game released?
Cienie was made public on December 31, 2023.
Where do I report bugs?
The game’s Discord server is where users may report bugs. You may also leave a comment in the comment areas on Patreon or Itch.